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We are readily available during business hours, seven days a week, to answer any questions and cater to your every denim need.

302 Market St. 2nd Fl
Philadelphia, PA 19106


Specializing in Jean Fitting.

Pocket Placement: Blog

Pocket Placement Blog, A Resource For All Things Denim, Style, And Confidence Related. Specializing in Premium Jean Fit. Old City, Philadelphia. Discover Your Perfect Fitting Jeans.

New Normal

Meredith Albert

We’ve over-shopped, over-eaten and over-slept through the holidays.  All in good fun and all for a good reason.  Now, we get back to normal.  But not just any normal - a normal filled with new goals, new plans and a new outlook on the year ahead of us.  The potential is there, we just need to harness it!  Even if it means that it will be, or look, different than it was before.  


Sebastian McCall Jeans is looking forward to another great year.  We’ve learned that even with the evolving fashion industry and expanding ways people can shop for clothes, everyone still wants great service, especially when it comes to shopping for jeans.  This year, we will continue to focus on bringing you the best service and the best products.  It’s what you know us for and it’s what we do best.  Here’s to a great looking and fitting 2019!