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Pocket Placement: Blog

Pocket Placement Blog, A Resource For All Things Denim, Style, And Confidence Related. Specializing in Premium Jean Fit. Old City, Philadelphia. Discover Your Perfect Fitting Jeans.

Subtle Changes

Meredith Albert

We are starting to see it already - transition pieces are making their way into the end of summer fashion for some people.  It’s been subtle, but noticeable… the bootie sandals, the longer sleeves rolled up, and the longer, darker jeans.  The hot, humid, summer weather has even lightened up this week.  All signs that the new season is upon us.  Shoppers are browsing the fall fashions in the stores and are picking up some transition pieces.  You’ll hear a lot about transition wear as we ease into the new season.


Transition wear can be the best of both worlds. (Except during winter when you want to burn your sweaters waiting for spring… just kidding!)  The transition season lets you still enjoy the season you’re in while dabbling just a bit in what’s to come.  You can do this with fall colors like auburn, shoes like suede sandals, accessories like scarves and more.  It allows us to play with fashion in a unique way without fully committing to one season or the other.  We’ll be honest, we don’t want summer to end quite yet.  But the new fall fashions we are seeing are quite beautiful.  Even just the fall colors are drawing us in!  So, dabble if you must!