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We are readily available during business hours, seven days a week, to answer any questions and cater to your every denim need.

302 Market St. 2nd Fl
Philadelphia, PA 19106


Specializing in Jean Fitting.

Pocket Placement: Blog

Pocket Placement Blog, A Resource For All Things Denim, Style, And Confidence Related. Specializing in Premium Jean Fit. Old City, Philadelphia. Discover Your Perfect Fitting Jeans.

Street Style: Men's Jeans

Meredith Albert

Life is about seeing and doing.  It’s about having experiences and taking advantage of opportunities.  Sebastian McCall Jeans is a brand founded on being and looking your best.  That best is different for each of us.  We often feature a blog post dedicated to photos of everyday people wearing our jeans called "Styled by You."  It give us and you a chance to see how our jeans are being worn, how they are being styled, and where people are wearing them to.  It’s one of our favorite posts to put up.  Whether you are a professional athlete, a lawyer, or an artist chasing your dream, these folks are living their passion and managing to do it all in their Sebastian McCall Jeans!
